Thursday, 28 July 2011

Low Tide02:58 (1.00m)
High Tide09:31 (2.30m)
Low Tide15:32 (0.90m)
High Tide22:05 (2.20m)

Sea temperature: Not recorded but it felt cooler
Sea condition: calm, drag southwards
Weather: overcast and misty
Joined by: 2 LOTVs 

Topics of conversation:
The merits of the rucksack with a seat, not to be searched for online as "stool bag" as The Pirate found, to his disgust. DK has leant one of his spares to a regular LOTV and she discovered the delights of putting swimming shoes on without falling over for the first time. I've got a cheap and nasty one which is not particularly stable and I do sometimes wonder if I'd be better off sitting on the stones as I'm lulled into a false sense of security.
The success of the 49ers - DK and Legs won a pub quiz last night, £75 prize money and glory. Their host was an Aussie drag queen and there was a section on the US, which may have given them the advantage, Legs being American - not the drag queen bit.
Jewish teens at risk - one of the LOTVs is responsible for blogging on behalf of concerned parents and has just remembered that she's supposed to be setting up a new blog, on instruction from the Rabbi, during the summer holidays. She hasn't started yet so she's bringing her laptop round later for some help so that the group can start to access articles, identify potential risks and give each other support. A worthy project.
Beard filtration - both DK and The Pirate have beards and I was fascinated to hear that different lengths can act as filters for the scum on the surface of the sea (and presumably the bath)*. The Pirate recently had a beard trim for his son's graduation ceremony - I was in his bad books for not noticing - so apparently this has an effect on the filtrations process. Perhaps as it grows back he'll be able to catch small fish and could even develop a Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbossa style beard with tentacles.
Nuns and their cruelty in boys' boarding schools, especially The Pirate's teacher Sister Philemina, who always accused him of looking for sympathy and helped to put him off teaching in schools.
Still no sanskrit, he'd looked it up but couldn't remember it and we decided that an approximation was probably worse than nothing at all, so we wait....

Song of the day: *Beard Filter, sung to the tune of Goldfinger

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