Sunday, 18 March 2012

Saturday's swim

Low Tide00:52 (0.70m)
High Tide07:44 (2.30m)
Low Tide13:27 (1.00m)
High Tide19:26 (2.20m)
Sea temperature: not taken
Sea conditions: higher tide and little wavelets
Weather: breezy
Joined by: The Poet and his lurcher Jess, The Pirate is away in London seeing Billy Elliot and bringing home his No 1 Son's caboodle
Topics of conversation:
Dinner the night before - The Poet and his wife had had supper with DK and Legs and we had had friends staying who always bring excellent wine so we compared menus and hangovers. I think I won the hangover competition as a combination of an rather horrid week and being the only one drinking white meant I'd drunk more that I am accustomed to. I later had a text from Legs saying she had done the same. Our friends had promised to come down to the beach but as I'd left there had been no sign of life.
The magazine man had been twice as his memory card had corrupted and had brought the sun with him the second time, he got a lovely shot of Luna watching us as we swam and some pretty hysterical ones of us all coming out of the water trying not to look self conscious. He had brought his lovely dog Darcy and she had probably enjoyed the whole experience more than any of us.
Adrain the magazine man with Darcy

Luna keeps watch
The use of poo bags - we are all mortified that dog owners seem to think it is better to bag it and leave it on the beach than to either bury it or 'pick and flick'. This morning there were three bags in the sand and last week someone actually hung one on the fence, open...then it rained...not nice. The Poet had the courage to pick up the ones we nearly stepped in and put them in THE BIN PROVIDED!
DK is suffering - he seems to have a chest infection and as usual he feels that the cure could be in the sea, so he gave it a try but it didn't work and as I type this on Sunday he has not swum today and will be visiting the doc tomorrow.

I know you are hungover but I want another walk - GET UP!

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