Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Low Tide03:50 (0.60m)
High Tide10:19 (2.30m)
Low Tide15:57 (0.80m)
High Tide22:18 (2.50m)
Sea Temperature: ranging between 3.1 and 2.4, depending on whether the thermometer was stuck down my cleavage or held in my hand.
Sea conditings: calm, slight swell.
Weather: sunny, cold breeze, air temperature was 0.9 (Mertz had left the house at 05.45 and the car told him it was -4 as he pulled of the main road.)
Joined by: no one but The Poet joined us yesterday and deserves credit for doing so after the wrap party
Topics of conversation:
Getting undressed - DK and I tried to discourage too much chat so that The Pirate would get on with disrobing and then he caught us out by chatting and getting undressed, the next thing we knew he was shouting to us from the shingle.
We did have time to discuss the work of art that Son no. 2 had produced on the village green, it is a masterpiece and the tallest snowman there has ever been on the village green, complete with coal for buttons. The Smallest Pirate, who is only 4, wanted to put the nose on but clearly couldn't reach! She has also coined a new name for Legs, as she misheard her name and now calls her Ostrich. I don't think I can think of anyone less likely to bury their head in the sand.

Not being hungover and having nearly caught up with Borgen. Following the last performance on Sunday there was a rather libatious party at the pub, with speeches, bouquets and game pie. I didn't eat, which didn't help the hangover the next day but we have returned to our winter routines now and DK and I had both enjoyed a Monday evening in with our respectives, eating supper at a normal time, having one glass of wine and catching up on missed Scandinavian dramas.
Movie posters - The Pirate had seen a poster at the weekend for Carnage, which had the tag line "The best film of the year" he felt this wasn't much of a recommendation as it was only the first week of February. Babs and I got together and planned our next 5 weeks of movies at the weekend and The Artist is this week's diversion. I need diversions as this is the first year since we moved here that I don't have an arctic trip to look forward to in spring. I saw one of our 2011 team later in the day and we both agreed that it doesn't feel right, although he is off to the Maldives...
We had the conversation, which I guess we should have had some time ago, but it's only now that it is proper cold that we dared to go there: will there be a day when we don't go in because it is too cold? There have been a number of scaremongering reports of possible temperature drops in this part of the world and we did decided (I think) that if it drops to -13 as predicted, we might not go in. We don't want DK to damage his fingers and put his piano playing career to an untimely end. I also realised that this week is not the time to address losing the extra pounds put on over Christmas/flu season/panto cakes backstage - Dawn French says so - what a relief!

Dawn French has revealed that she can no longer swim in the sea after shedding seven and a half-stone because she feels the cold too much.

The actress, who is still getting used to her new shape, said she had never been unhappy with her size, and does not plan to lose any more weight. But she claims there has been a downside to her weightloss.
''I like to swim (in the sea) but I've found it much harder to get in the water with less weight. Before, I had all this lovely blubber - I had my own wetsuit. Now I can't get in the water in the winter months. I don't have enough flesh to keep me warm.''

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