Friday, 24 February 2012

Low Tide05:55 (0.40m)
High Tide12:10 (2.40m)
Low Tide17:53 (0.70m)
Sea temperature: 6.3!!! UN-bloody-believable
Sea conditions: calm, slight swell
Weather: Warm, but not as warm as yesterday
Joined by: no one
Topics of conversation:
The Canadian's son's stamina - I'd bumped in to The Canadian on my way over and so was slightly late as we'd been discussing his son, who had been disappearing over the horizon on his bike. He's doing a GCSE in something that sounds like a great subject and involves him having to cycle and ski a lot, neither DK nor The Pirate could help me to work out what it's called. He's very keen and yesterday he had cycled to school, playing in a football match, done circuit training, had tennis coaching after school and cycled home again. He's also doing photography and I've leant him a precious book which I hope will help him with his current project on movement and motion. I suspect that if he can sort out his GCSE's so that he has to spend his time skiing, cycling and taking pictures, he'll sort life out in general.
DK and I weren't late - even though we had both been to the same party, in the local, last night! It was a lovely evening and held in the honour of John, barman and prince charming of The Anchor. He's leaving to go to Australia to play rugby and we will all miss him no end. I suspect that he may have a slightly sore head this morning but he's got a week before he goes and I've just sent him a link to the blog so hopefully he'll stay in touch (otherwise I'll put the other photos up JH).

The crisis in the Catholic priesthood. The Pirate had seen a programme about the training of priests last night and had discovered that this year there are only 19 starting the course. We speculated how many there would have been 40 years ago and The Pirate explained that he had been to a college, set up for the purpose when he was doing his teacher training and that it was a huge and magnificent building the size of St Pancras station. To make the point about how very large it was he told of his shock at walking into the lavatories and seeing that the urinal stretched as far as the eye could see. He also told how he and his fellow students sang the theme to Doctor Who in the corridors, which we both then sang on the beach wooooeeeoooooo.
My mini holiday - I'm very excited. Today I'm off for 3 days at a country house hotel and spa, as the guest of a wonderful friend, who is treating me. We wondered how warm the water in the pool will be and whether I will need a cold plunge pool too. The Pirate said he can imagine us with cucumber slices on our eyelids, so I shall have to raid the salad and stage a photo.

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