Monday, 30 April 2012

High Tide06:17 (2.10m)
Low Tide11:12 (1.10m)
High Tide17:47 (2.20m)

Sea temperature: 9.4
Sea conditions: Deep trough due to the high tide, with big waves coming in and settling in the trough. Jumping conditions not really swimming conditions
Weather: Stunning. After the gales ad lashing rain of the last 2 days we have a small window of sun and blue sky. It's all due to change back again tomorrow though.
Joined by: The Poet and Jess
Topics of conversation:
The usual weather conversation, brought on today by the extreme change. DK and I had whimped out yesterday as the waves were so high and the wind so strong. I had spent the previous night on the sofa with the dogs as I was afraid that the house was going to blow away, it feels like a boat when the wind blows so I feel safer downstairs. I discovered I wasn't the only one whose night had been disturbed when I met The Canadian on a long walk in the morning. He had not slept for fear that the new church gates, which he has recently restored, might have blown away. The Poet has the best views of all of us and had seen the breakers from his vantage point and not contemplated leaving the safety of his home.
The tree that floated - yesterday evening Mertz had returned from a walking break in Kent and had been rained on pretty solidly for 2 days so when he arrived home to the first glorious sun we'd had he was keen to get into the sea. He's not swimming regularly yet and isn't really a morning swimmer but this was to be a therapeutic dip. The sea was very rough and I had no desire to be swept to Dunwich so watched from the shore. As I did so I noticed a bit of wood, which seemed to be floating in towards the shore. It looked big and as he was carried south I shouted for him to get out in case it hit him. It became apparent that is wasn't just a bit of wood, but an entire weathered tree, around 30ft in length. It's probably from Covehithe, up the coast which is famous for its upside-down forest; trees that have fallen from the eroding cliffs and end up sticking out of the beach with their roots uppermost. It could have been a rather nasty collision and as the tide was high this morning we couldn't see if it was still there, but it could be anywhere so I was a little nervous.

The Pirate's tutorial - He has been rumbled! One of his students had seen the magazine article about cold water swimming and had recognised him. Now I have to be extra careful to ensure I don't give away Pirate secrets as he had clearly read the blog too! Hello student.
Alde Valley festival - The Poet had been to an interesting sounding event as part of the festival and so I intend to look at the programme for the coming weekend:
Alde Valley Food Adventures
These events pop up around the Alde Valley at different times of year after the Spring Festival. They started in January 2005 with a feast of 30 dishes for 100 guests at the farm café on the A12 at Marlesford – with almost all ingredients sourced from within ten miles of the cafe. Since then the Alde Valley Food Adventures have roved up and down the valley working with pubs, cafés, theatres, museums, hotels and community celebrations. Other events have included specialist foods for the romany festival at Museum of East Anglian Life, a 19 course Alde Valley Tapas at a restaurant in Aldeburgh, seasonal “Spring on the Fromus” dinners at the Bell Hotel in Saxmundham and foods for the Aldeburgh Festival Fringe at the Pump House in Aldeburgh. 
John Irving - DK knows I am a fan and that I don't read the Telegraph so he brought an article on John Irving by Ariel Leve for me to read. Legs has offered to help me plan an Irving inspired trip to her part of the world. The article is interesting, if short and I suspect that there must be a long form version somewhere, so I'm going to search for it. I've pre-ordered his new novel described as a compelling novel of desire, secrecy, and sexual identity, In One Person is a story of unfulfilled love — tormented, funny, and affecting — and an impassioned embrace of our sexual differences. Right up my street then, but I can't see The Pirate getting into it - he doesn't 'do' novels, especially this kind!
The Bridge - We are all watching it but I banned all talk this morning as I still have episode 4 to watch. It had been planned for this evening but I have just been informed that "the most important game in the history of football" is being played between 8 and 10pm - like I care... So an agreement has been reached in this house of no TV set. I shall watch it tonight whilst he watches the game in his office, with the door closed so as not to frighten the dogs or me.

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