Thursday, 20 September 2012

High Tide01:44 (2.60m)
Low Tide07:43 (0.70m)
High Tide13:59 (2.70m)
Low Tide20:14 (0.60m)
Sea temperature: 15.6
Sea conditions: even lower tide, calm 
Weather: still cold, in fact much colder out than in
Joined by: No-one
Topics of conversation:
bare footprints
Running barefoot - I'd never done this before, I don't know why, but this morning as I came over the dunes by the marsh on my way back to the beach the sand strip was fully exposed so I took of my trainers and ran the rest of the way barefoot. It was almost a spiritual experience. I'll try again tomorrow but this time just run as far as I can along the sand southwards and back again.
The tides are a constant source of confusion for us and we have only just worked out that our tables are all based on Southwold and that we are behind by some time. I confirmed this with a friend this evening, she rides on the beach a lot and says she's often caught out by following the table. The one copied above is therefore wrong, but I'm sticking with it as a record.
Mabel's desire to play and run with the others in the morning is curtailed by her refusal to return when called so we are going to have a go at coming down earlier on Saturday and giving her a run with my dogs and me after we swim, I write this by way of a reminder to DK and I...Legs is notifying coast guard, RSPCA and Air Ambulance.
The fast - The Pirate and I are both on a food day today so we were very excited. We'd both tried eating the majority of our calories at lunchtime yesterday and so I'd gone to bed last night with hunger pangs, having had my 82 calorie miso soup for supper. I know it's said that you always want what you can't have but going without got to my subconscious last night as a friend had shared a photo of a sumptuous hot dog with all the scandinavian trimmings yesterday and I dreamed of ‘pølse’ all night. Delicious dreaming...
Lillyhammer - DK and Legs are loving it, she's trying to find a way of getting it over to her Pa in the States as he'd love it too. I've not seen this week's episode, it's tonight's viewing, but we discussed the production and Steve Van Zandt's involvement. I have been reading about Steve Van Zandt's musical career and I'd assumed DK knew all about it. He's a musical legend, (Van Zandt that is, although DK is also of course) but what I didn't know was that he was responsible for Artists United Against Apartheid
How we got on to The Pirate's teacher's dresses I cannot remember - he told us about her ability to control a class of 13 year old boys despite wearing not only a different dress every day, but also a different wig, and not just slightly different. Apparently she would be blonde one day and brunette the next. Maybe that's what I should be suggesting to the teachers I work with who find classroom management an inaccessible a dark art.

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