Friday, 21 September 2012

High Tide02:26 (2.50m)
Low Tide08:27 (0.70m)
High Tide14:48 (2.60m)
Low Tide20:57 (0.80m)
Sea temperature: not taken 
Sea conditions: Still calm, it can't stay like this for long...
Weather: warmer, less of a breeze but no sun.
Joined by: no one
Topics of conversation:
The sky - and no, I didn't get pictures as my phone was at home, but it was stunning. East Anglian mountains out to sea and the most wonderful blue glow and that sand was peach coloured.
Mabel's starring rollMabel has a new career in film, DK is making another short for his website with a local girl singing one of his songs "Christmas Every Day" and Mabel is the real star. I was concerned about her welfare, but apparently Mabes did well - Legs mailed me to reassure me: "She did extremely well, having never acted before. Stayed on Olivia's lap while she sang (Livy, not Mabes), even kissed her. Mind you, we are all covered in honey and bacon grease now and needs baths but still. She's now in her winnebago recuperating." The bacon grease was a crucial incentive, not part of the plot.
When will The Poet and Sara return? They are back from their family holiday in Wales but we all know how hard it is to take a break at this time of year and then come back. Hoping to see them at the weekend.
Hedgehogs - The Vicar's Wife has a nest of baby ones in her garden and yesterday evening one made a foray into the neighbour's garden, i.e. Mabel's domain, and she was not best pleased. She shouted at the intruder for 20 minutes and DK was very concerned that this might become a regular occurrence if the small spiny creature decides to move permanently. I want a hedgehog. I've wanted one since we moved. We had one at our old house and never has slug problems. DK promised that if it's big enough I could re-home it, but I've since seen The Vicar's Wife and she doesn't think they are old enough to leave home yet, but she's promised me that she'll take care of the family till they fledge and then I can see if I can persuade the rest of the household to let it move in. We don't all have the same feelings about critters here, especially not the four legged friends or my Mother's handyman, who is a strimming fanatic and regularly massacres areas of wildlife which have been left to grow, so it won't be easy, but I'm nothing if not tenacious.
To The Town - my very dear friend Stephen Wolfenden (Wolfie) is launching a new book today. He has taken affectionate and historic photographic records of Southwold over the last 20 years and this is the third of his beautiful books. I'm really looking forward to seeing him and his wife Anna this evening as it's the first time I've seen them together since they got married, a year to the day since they met on a blind date. Congratulations, on all fronts, are in order!

We also discussed the Salman Rushdie programme at length and The Pirate's informed views on The Satanic Verses, but as I am not informed, nor clear on the fatwa rules I'm not writing about that.

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