Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Low Tide 03:43 (0.60m)
High Tide 09:59 (2.50m)
Low Tide16:01 (0.60m)
High Tide 22:18 (2.60m)
Sea temperature: not taken
Sea conditions: rough, big sea
Weather: we had the best of it
Joined by: The Poet and The LE
Topics of conversation:
My first view of the water this year
Happy New Year - we all wished each other well and there was lots of hugging. The LE produced a present for each of us, which it was tempting not to crack open - the ginger wine would have gone down nicely especially for those who were in need of topping up the levels (not me for a change). Mertz had tried to drink my Waterfont Wine yesterday, The Pirate and his Wife gave each of the swimmers a bottle and it may be delicious but I'd told him that it was mine, and it was for looking at in the beach hut, not for drinking. The LE felt he was within his rights to be mystified and cross. The village fireworks had been spectacular or terrifying, depending on your POV. Our dogs have become more and more terrified as the displays have become more and more ambitious and next year I've resolved to find somewhere to go with them where they can't see or hear them. Interestingly they had not been bothered by the 2 (or was it 3?) huge explosions as the Royal Navy detonated shells, the whole village shook yesterday afternoon.
DK surveyed the water and he and The Poet discussed whether to go in, The Pirate joined them and they looked like a Casper David Friedrich painting as they stared out to sea, The Pirate reminded me of his work, which I hadn't seen for years and it's been good to remind myself of some of the winter landscapes on this dedicated site: Casper David Friedrich

Who needs fireworks when you have this?
 DK and The Poet went in. The Poet dived into a wave, looked terrified and tried getting out straight away but was hampered by the power of the current, DK got bowled over twice. I held my breath and felt sick. I do hope this isn't a portent of 2014's swimming year.

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