Monday, 6 January 2014

High Tide 01:22 (2.70m)
Low Tide 07:54 (0.40m)
High Tide 14:11 (2.40m)
Low Tide19:52 (0.80m)
Sea temperature: not taken 
Sea conditions: very shallow and quite calm
Weather: windy, warmer - 9 degrees compared with yesterday's 2.
Joined by: TBC and The LE
I didn't chat much today as I had to 'get a wiggle on' as they say in South Norfolk, and was on a different schedule but we were all surprised by the very low tide at 8-ish  It had exposed the geography of the new sea bed which we haven't seen for a while. Not since the surge in fact, and it made me realise how much it has changed since the sand from dunes was dragged out - it's almost as if it's trying to work its way back to land, crawling west, pool by pool. The sun rose as the others came out but I had to leave them there, by 9 horizontal rain was lashing the windows, then by lunchtime it was glorious, it's like April.
New terrain

The swimmers going in

The Swimmers coming out

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