Thursday, 1 May 2014

High Tide 00:22 (2.50m)
Low Tide 06:31 (0.50m)
High Tide 12:45 (2.50m)
Low Tide 18:49 (0.50m)
Sea temperature: not taken
Sea conditions: glassy calm, very low
Weather: sun burning through the mist, heavy dew
Joined by: No one
Topics of conversation: None - see above
Yesterday The LE and I had discussed a book, Dip: Wild Swims from the Borderlands which was published today and now sits patiently waiting on my Kindle. She'd seen the author interviewed on TV and passed on an article about Andrew Fusek Peters's battle with depression and the importance of swimming in his recovery:

The idea of escaping what wild swimmers describe as ‘chlorinated captivity’ is not new – the Swallows and Amazons did it before breakfast, the Bloomsbury set did it after tea and Andrew has been doing it since childhood. Some of his happiest memories in an often troubled upbringing are centred on the days when he and his elder brother Marc leapt into a river, lake or hidden pool. ‘We didn’t call it wild swimming back then – to us it was just swimming,’ he says. ‘But wild water has often been balm to my overloaded mind.’

‘Swimming is about feeling alive – whatever fear is in my head, as soon as I am in the water, it has gone, slam-splash-dunked. So my children got to see me very ill, but they’ve also seen me get better. I didn’t do what my dad did. I broke the pattern.’
Read more: 

My Guardian Angel on the shore (far right)
As it is the first of May I reminded TBC, as we passed on the car park, that washing your face in the dew is essential to maintain one's youth, I hope she passed this on to the other swimmers. The dew was hanging off the webs, waiting for them.

Here's a question for the Swimmers who read this - what's this?

In other news I have just received an update from The LE, it sounds as if they were on form this morning:
Very, very lovely this morn and sorry we missed you. As TBC said, you told her it was warmer further out and so it proved.
The Pirate and I ventured out and wallowed. TBC and DK swam in the rapidly rising shallows. 
Jagger nearly got caught like The Artist, by lolloping into what he thought was shallow water and then finding it up to his chest. Fortunately The Poet isn't here. Can imagine his reaction to a request to carry Jagger on his shoulders.
 Jagger got out on his own. Largely because I walked off.
Talk on the beach was of Cliff Richard's height. 
TBC said she met him at an airport and wasn't he short?
DK insisted that he was at least 5'10'.
'Everybody looks tall to you', didn't go down too well.
DK insisted he knew him because of course he had met him and also 'I met him after Jackie Irving went out with him.. 
The Pirate (on form) said 'I didn't know you went out with Cliff Richard.'
And if so, (I queried) surely you could measure him, when he was lying down....'
And on and on....

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