Wednesday, 21 May 2014

High Tide 04:20 (2.30m)
Low Tide 09:56 (0.90m)
High Tide 16:16 (2.40m)
Low Tide 22:56 (0.60m)
Sea temperature: not taken - see below

Sea conditions: wonderful
Weather: cloudy, still, warm
Joined by: no one
Topics of conversation: none
I'm on the early routine for the foreseeable, not just due to work start times but because we have builders climbing all over the roof next door. The roof that overlooks the bathroom Velux window, thereby giving the team a view inside and meaning that the upstairs bedroom and bathroom are behaving much like a drum kit. This makes it hard to shower and meditate after my swim, so if I get home by 7.15 I can do both in peace. This morning however I could have swum at 5.30am as I was woken, for the first time ever, by Willow coming upstairs and standing in the doorway of the bedroom making small 'buf' sounds.  I have no idea why she did this, she doesn't do stairs, I trained them with a water pistol when they were little and they think the stairs squirt water at them, but today she clearly wanted me to get up, so I did - it was a lovely morning. As I type and feel the house starting to quake I suspect she knew this storm was on its way.
I tried out my new Summer clothing routine this morning as I use the beach hut when I'm on my own and don't need the big rucksack/stool. The idea is to stop having to carry stuff and involves wearing swimming shoes to the beach, costume under towelling robe thing, no gloves and thin towel round my neck. It worked well apart from the walking back home in the wet swim shoes, they picked up all the dust and muck from the road. I think I need a sheep dip style trough outside the front door.
There was a sense of the calm before the storm on the beach, a wonderful deep and brooding sky and a lack of movement in the water.

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